- Interior Painting
- The keys to an excellent finished interior product are preparation, color selection and the appropriate layers of quality paint finish. We are experts in color selection and are happy to assist you in that process. In addition, we move your furniture as needed and return your work or living space back to a clean and usable environment at the end of each day.
- Exterior Painting
- Complete preparation of all work surfaces including the application of mold/mildew cleaner followed by power washing of all applicable surfaces. All visible loose paint is scraped to a “tightly” adhered state. All bare surfaces are spot primed using “peel bond” primer. Sanding and chalking is applied where applicable as well as the repair of broken trim or siding. We spray and back roll/brush 2 coats of premium 100% acrylic paint. We recommend using a semi to low gloss paint which is designed to endure the range of extreme temperatures in Central Oregon.
- Deck Refinishing
- Refinishing a deck space often costs as little as 15% of the original cost to construct. We are happy to construct a new deck for you but we can also restore your living space to it’s original smooth, splinter-free beauty – usually in less that a week. We use high quality products and materials to ensure a long lasting and beautiful outdoor living space.
Painting the classic Ranch Viejo Mexican Restaurant in downtown Sisters.